SDRRMC made more stable for  “The Big One”

By: Kristine Tobias

As a response to the call of the government to prepare for “The Big One ”, the Kalayaan Elementary School made their School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council ( SDRRMC ) more stable to avoid or to reduce the catastrophes that might happen if there is a 7.2 magnitude earthquake.


Many of the preparation the school is doing happened at the times of Brigada Eskwela, where the members of SDRRMC, Batang Emergency Response  Team (BERT) , Supreme Pupil Government Organization (SPGO) Girl Scout and Boy Scouts went through training.


They are trained at preventing fire , imposition of first aid and rescuing wounded people in the school.

Aside from the mentioned trainings, the school choose emergency lights, flashlights, first aid kits, and communication equipments.

SDRRMC also ensured that there is evacuation route map and emergency contact numbers at every classroom .

They are also conducting earthquake drills and fire drills in the schools every month to train the students what they need to do if the mentioned “The Big One’ came.