Japanese encephalitis is a virus of the flavivirus family. It is passed by the Culex mosquito. Not only humans are affected by the virus. Mosquitoes can also infect horses and pigs leading to encephalitis in horses and abortion in pigs. Wild birds are probably the natural hosts and mosquitoes are the vectors. A vector continue reading : JE, deadly virus
Be Alert, Do not Believe in Fake News
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social medias have great impact and influence to our daily lives. But for the past months social media have been responsible in releasing and posting fake news or hoax news. This problem has become a global phenomenon but some of us undermined these kinds continue reading : Be Alert, Do not Believe in Fake News
Barca bags 3rd in RSPC, all set for NSPC 2018
Stefhanie Khaye M. Barca, the Keystone Associate Editor placed 3rd in Copy Reading and Headline Writing category among 160 participants who competed in the 38th Metro Manila Young Writers and Contests (MMYWC) held at San Francisco High School in Quezon City last September 25, 2017. continue reading : Barca bags 3rd in RSPC, all set for NSPC 2018
Department of Education (DepEd) funded a four-storey building thru the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is recently finished and ready to use. The construction lasted for nine months which was started in March of 2016 and ended this November 2017. It has nine rooms and two continue reading : 4-STOREY NEWLY BUILT BUILDING READY TO USE